Clean Energy for EU Islands: Technology Solutions Booklet
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg 2021 | © European Union, 2021
Completed in: October 2021, Brussels

Author: Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, managed by the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy | | | European Commission | DG ENER

Written by: Lucija Rakocevic, Marina Montero Carrero, Ulrich Terblanche, Arnor Van Leemputten
Contributors: Christina Protopapadaki, Leen Peeters, Jan Cornillie, Siora Keller, Andries De Brouwer, Gabi Kaiser
Graphic design: Agata Smok for the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, European Commission DG ENER

The Technology Solutions Booklet provides an overview of energy technologies that are currently commercially available to help islands advance in their clean energy transition. Technologies are grouped per sector: electricity, heating and cooling, transport, and storage. Each technology is briefly described with its pros and cons for implementation on islands. Island examples are provided to give practical inspiration and insights into how European islands are adopting these technologies. Additionally, solutions that span multiple sectors such as energy efficiency, community energy action, and smart grids are also included, along with the latest targets and regulations from the European Commission.

Bibliography and links to relevant websites are recommended for further reading throughout the booklet.

The Technology Solutions Booklet is published on the EC Publications Office portal here.

Technology solutions booklet provides an overview of energy technologies that are currently commercially available for islands to advance in their clean energy transition.

Eight examples of successful stakeholder engagement on islands

Publisher: Clean energy for EU islands secretariat managed by the European Commission Directorate-General for energy, 2023

Completed in: January 2023

Author: Clean energy for EU islands secretariat managed by the European Commission Directorate-General for energy | | | European Commission | DG ENER

Written by: Marina Montero Carrero, Lucija Rakocevic

Graphic design: Agata Smok for the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, European Commission DG ENER

Clean energy for EU islands: methodological handbook

Publisher: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2022

Completed in: June 2022

Author: Clean energy for EU islands secretariat managed by the European Commission Directorate-General for energy | | | European Commission | DG ENER

Written by: Marina Montero Carrero, Christina Protopapadaki, Andries De Brouwer, Lucija Rakocevic, Leandro Vaz, Wannes Vanheusden

PDF ISBN: 978-92-76-53776-2
DOI: 10.2833/822820

Graphic design: Agata Smok for the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, European Commission DG ENER


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