Study on Regulatory Barriers and Recommendations for the Clean Energy Transition on EU Islands

Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg 2021 | © European Union, 2021
Completed in: January 2023, Brussels
Graphic design: Agata Smok for the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, European Commission DG ENER

This study, authored by the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, provides a comprehensive analysis of regulatory barriers hindering the clean energy transition on EU islands. It offers actionable recommendations to support these unique communities in embracing sustainable energy solutions.

With contributions from Andries De Brouwer (3E) and Lucija Rakocevic (Th!nk E), the report combines expert insights with a focus on practical implementation, ensuring a pathway toward achieving Europe’s clean energy goals.

For more information: |
PDF ISBN: 978-92-76-60590-4 | DOI: 10.2833/281276


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