Small steps. Without plastic.

My dear friend Katarzyna Nadia Walczak has been inspiring many with her Instagram profile dedicated to simple, sustainable habits for everyday life. This topic resonates deeply with me, and her words often feel like a soothing melody for the eco-conscious soul.

Her first book, Małe Kroki (Small Steps), is a call to action against single-use plastics. I had the privilege of designing and illustrating this impactful project, which centers around one powerful idea: stopping plastic from entering our hands in the first place. Often, it’s our lack of preparation or awareness that leads us to rely on disposable plastics. Katarzyna’s guide is a roadmap to breaking that cycle.

The urgency couldn’t be clearer. A report by the World Economic Forum warned that by 2050, plastics could outweigh fish in our oceans. Unlike organic materials, plastics don’t truly decompose—they fragment into smaller pieces but never disappear. Addressing this crisis starts with cutting out single-use plastics, and Katarzyna’s book offers practical, approachable steps to make this change.

For years now, I’ve been striving to amplify the importance of a plastic-free lifestyle. Collaborating with Katarzyna on Małe Kroki is one way I’m doing my part—and it feels incredibly rewarding!

Start your own journey toward a more sustainable life:
Małe Kroki e-book now available!

Agata Smok

Communication and dissemination designer

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